Investment in the community is the most profitable investment there is!


Kali and Lilach Association

Lilach Association works for at-risk children in the Tel Aviv Precinct, providing them with a safe place to stay. Since 2002 and to this day, Kali has supported the association’s activity and assisted the volunteer work and contributions of various kinds. We support the association’s educational enterprises and join specific volunteering days.

The activity with Lilach Association is diverse and includes organizing parties at afterschool institutions, going out on recreational excursions, culture attractions, handing out schoolbags at the start of the school year, purchases of supplies, clothes and apparel for children, creative workshops, et cetera.

Every quarter, a shared birthday party is held for all boys and girls whose birthday was during that period. Each birthday celebration involves the appropriate season and includes creative and play activity and, naturally, a birthday celebration, handing out gifts and a highly festive cake. In addition to all these, the activity reflects the personal volunteering and involvement of our employees, which contributes to the children in the emotional aspect, with the intent of expanding their spiritual-cultural stimuli. We greatly believe in nurturing education in preschool age, when education can greatly shape the life of the child at so decisive a stage of its life.

Beyond concrete assistance, the volunteer work done for Lilach Association also includes assistance with education and guidance. The personal involvement of Kali Group’s employees with the lives of the children is a source of pride and satisfaction for us all, seeing as that is the kind of social involvement to which we all aspire – not a one-time, casual contribution, but rather a long-term activity necessitating emotional involvement on the part of our employees. The activity of the group and the employees has gained the esteem of the children, their teachers and their guides at the various afterschool institutions, as well as positive feedback from the parents.


Kali and Pitchon Lev Association

Kali’s connection to the community is maintained throughout the whole year and it is upon the holidays of the month of Tishrei, shortly before the start of the new year on Rosh HaShana, that we have made it a tradition to join forces with Pitchon Lev Association. We provide the association with a financial donation for the purchase of holiday food baskets for needy families and, to complete the experience of giving, the company’s employees arrive in full force to pack the food baskets. On the volunteering days, over six hundred food packages are packed and are then distributed shortly before holiday eves, and we gladly pitch in and take part in this endeavor.

Kali and “Shiur Acher” Association

“Shiur Acher” Association promotes equal opportunities among children from Israel’s social-geographic outlying areas, across the country, by integrating volunteers from the world of work at schools. By its activity, the association creates an unmediated encounter between disadvantaged school students and volunteers from varied content worlds. Shiur Acher encourages social involvement and leverages the resources of employees’ and organizations’ knowledge, ability and experience to expand the range of students’ dreams.

Kali Group was selected to accompany, in various projects, two ninth grades from “Mikveh Israel” school in Holon, and as part of the activity the company’s employees give eight lessons over the course of about two months in each class.

The social contribution and social responsibility that we proudly lead would not have been possible without Kali’s employees who exert their time, energy and resources to give back to the community!