What is Kali’s portfolio management index?

The Kali Index is a scientific and objective mathematical tool exclusive to Kali which allows us to compare the performance of portfolios at Israel’s leading investment houses in real time. The index uses data research and data accumulated in the portfolios of thousands of Kali’s clients, from the diverse investment tracks, at Israel’s leading investment houses in the past 16 years, without violating privacy.

The information and data are constantly being updated and allow you to select an investment house of your choice not just according to long- or short-term performance or according to specializations, but also according to the risk level and to your personal needs and goals. It supports the management of a strategic portfolio precisely tailored to your own personal needs, desires and investment profile.

What does managing your portfolios through Kali allow you to do?

  • Compare the performance of portfolios across Israel’s leading investment houses according to the Kali Index.
  • Allocate assets according to the investment houses’ specializations.
  • Personalize the managed portfolio and the investment track.
  • Regularly review the portfolio management’s costs and the composition of the assets.
  • Maintain direct contact with your personal investment manager.
  • Be able to integrate all client assets and provide service to additional products available at various investment houses.
  • Be able to view your personal portfolio and your financial assets managed by Kali at any time on our website. The Personal Information Section allows you to receive current data on your portfolio, provident funds and study funds.


How does the Kali Index allow us to protect your interests?

There are dozens of investment houses active in Israel, offering a wide variety; the problem being that the performance and return data is not made public, and it is therefore no simple matter to choose and compare them and such comparison is not based on accurate information.

Kali is a privately-owned group not dependent on any other financial entity and having no conflicts of interest. What does this mean? It means that we have no exclusivity agreements and no binding financial relationship with any investment house, insurance group or any kind of pension entity.

We do maintain contact with all of Israel’s leading insurance companies and investment houses, entirely with an eye toward attaining our clients’ interests.


Why does your portfolio need managing?

Not everyone has the time to familiarize themselves with the world of investments. That world requires you to have in-depth knowledge of the market’s fluctuations and the constant changes occurring in it according to the changing reality, as well as an understanding of your personal financial state of affairs.

One of the key elements of a successful portfolio is the smart allocation of assets over time; meaning, proper and effective distribution of assets across the various investment channels in Israel and abroad – shares, bonds and cash.

Kali’s experts will review your personal information and unique needs, such as your treatment of risk, investment ranges, et cetera and will propose to you the plan most suited for you out of the various kinds of portfolios available.

The third reason is familiarity with benchmarks and financial management.

A proper review of a portfolio’s return must avail itself of relevant indices, as reflected in the term “benchmark”, meaning a point of reference. Investors also have at their disposal another tool for reviewing the return – comparing it to the return of portfolios available in similar investment tracks. This means that, in order to gain a better impression of the achievements of a managed portfolio, it is highly advisable to also compare that portfolio’s return to the benchmark of the group to which it belongs.

Just as the managed portfolio’s return can be calculated, so can the index of a group of managed portfolios specializing in a specific investment channel. Such a calculation can be based on a simple average, or based on a weighted average.

The portfolio’s manager will usually select lateral management; meaning, management of groups of portfolios based on similar attributes of risk and portfolio size.

In certain cases, personalized management will be possible. For example: A client requiring a managed portfolio in F/X such as in dollars or euros. Her portfolio will be managed differently than that of a person wishing to manage their portfolio in shekels.

What happens at your first meeting at Kali?

We will first gain an understanding of two key dimensions:

The first is the personal dimension: Who are you? What level of risk is suitable for a person like you? What variables affect your life? Family, time, health, large-scale plans you have already made, et cetera.

The second is the financial dimension: We will gain an understanding of the wide snapshot of all your financial assets, how much money you have in all your savings and where that money is located.

We will then recommend investment houses, according to their performance data as measured by the Kali Index against the nature of your investment.

We will lead a process of entering into an agreement with the investment house which will define the level of exposure, commercial terms and a power of attorney for activity in securities. A portfolio at Kali is managed in a separate bank account – you have to open an additional account at your bank, into which the amount to be managed by us will be deposited. 

Our experts will weight your investment profile, review the recommendations against the Kali Index, thereby recommending and monitoring an accurate and strategic portfolio.


Costs and benefits for a securities purchase/sale fee will be upgraded according to the investment house’s arrangement.
Kali Group – Insurance and Investment Marketing Agency Ltd. holds an investment marketing license as provided in the Regulation of Engagement in Investment Consulting, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 5755-1995 (hereinafter and respectively: “Investment Marketing” and the “Consulting Law”), and does not have an investment consulting license. It is affiliated with the manufacturers of the financial products and services marketed by it as part of the provision of the services to the client. For a list of the manufacturers, click here.
The above information may not be treated as a substitute for investment marketing adjusted to meet the client’s needs. Use of the information and data is at the user’s sole risk.

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